The nutraceutical and health supplement industry has proven to be a constantly (and rapidly) growing market! Today’s consumers value health and wellness now more than ever. More people are trying new diets and investing in their wellbeing. Understanding the consumer’s intent and values will guide you when creating a label that says the right message and plays into their desire for achieving optimal health! People consume supplements for a variety of reasons, anything between the common cold to pregnancy to general wellness.
“Nutraceuticals are products derived from food sources with extra health benefits in addition to the basic nutritional value found in foods. These products also aid in the treatment of various diseases. The U.S. nutraceuticals market is projected to reach around $119.8 million by the end of 2027.” Globe Newswire
Are you new to this industry, seeking marketing advice? Or maybe your business is ready to give your products a fresh new look? Whatever your situation may be, the label experts at M&R Label are here to help you be successful!
What Defines a Nutraceutical or Health Supplement?
According to Science Direct: “Nutraceutical is a substance that may be considered a food or part of a food which provides medical or health benefits, encompassing prevention and treatment of disease. Products as diverse as isolated nutrients, dietary supplements and diets to genetically engineered “designer” foods, herbal products, and processed foods may be included under the umbrella of nutraceuticals.”
Specific examples may include fish oil, vitamins, herb tinctures, sports drinks, powders, proteins, or probiotic supplements. These days you can easily find these consumer goods everywhere – whether it be a health store, any grocery store, shopping malls, or even at gas stations! Plus the trend of purchasing these products online has also grown exponentially, making them readily available to all consumers across the globe.
Nutraceutical Market Projections Continue to Thrive
“The global nutraceutical market size is projected to reach $722.49 billion by 2027, expanding at a CAGR of 8.3% over the forecast period. Rising awareness regarding calorie reduction and weight loss in countries, including U.S., China, and India, is expected to promote the application of nutraceuticals, which, in turn, will have a substantial impact on the industry growth.
Demand for nutraceuticals is increasing at the global level as it improves the digestive and immune systems and enhances the cognitive behavior of consumers. Growing trend among consumers to alter dietary habits is likely to boost the demand for nutraceuticals. Vitamins and minerals together accounted for over 40.71% share in 2019 owing to the increasing consumer interest in the relationship between diet and health, which, in turn, has increased demand for these products. In terms of dietary supplement product, vitamins emerged as the largest segment in 2019, and is expected to expand at a CAGR of 5.8% in the coming years.” PR Newswire
Clearly, the health and wellness product space is only going to keep growing. Let’s make sure your business grows with it! In this lucrative (and highly competitive) landscape, utilizing modern marketing and branding strategies is vital to stay relevant and keep up with the competition.
Designing Custom Nutraceutical Product Labels
When it comes to labeling nutraceutical products and health supplements, there are a few important things to keep in mind:
- Attention Grabbing Marketing: With so much competition on the shelves, you’ll want to make sure your product labels jump into customer carts! Labels should boast vibrant colors, bold fonts, and crisp graphics that match your branding.
- Showcase the Benefits: You’ll want to make sure to showcase the benefits to the consumer to reassure them how your product will improve their quality of life! List these highlights on your label where it’s easy to see.
- Ingredient List: As nutraceutical and health supplements are consumables, your company will need to follow the cooredponsing FDA guidelines by listing out all ingredients and their amounts.
- Product Safety: Think tamper proof seals, clear warning labels about active ingredients, and child-proof caps & lids. It’s vital to not only protect the integrity of your product, but consider the buyer’s home environment to prevent accidental consumption by children.
FDA Guidelines for Nutraceutical Product Labels
In the U.S., nutraceuticals are regulated as a drug, dietary supplement, food ingredient, or food depending on the ingredients present in a product. Nutraceuticals are a group of products that are more than food but less than pharmaceuticals. Unfortunately there is still no internationally accepted definition of these products therefore their judgement varies country by country. In order to protect your business from a lawsuit and your customers from a mishap, it’s necessary to follow the FDA’s product labeling guidelines to cover all bases.
Not only are visibility and shelf appeal vital components to your custom label design, but don’t forget the most important part of these labels: the ingredients. Your product label must showcase what the product is, what ingredients are in it, how much of each ingredient there is and any other required regulatory information. Consumers want transparency about what it is they are purchasing and putting into their bodies. Plus they want to avoid potential allergens. That’s where M&R Label comes into play, we’ll make sure your ingredient list is accurate, easy to read, and of course, follows government regulations!
The FDA shares the following guidelines for labeling nutraceuticals:
What label statements are required on the containers and packages of dietary supplements?
Five statements are required: 1) the statement of identity (name of the dietary supplement), 2) the net quantity of contents statement (amount of the dietary supplement), 3) the nutrition labeling, 4) the ingredient list, and 5) the name and place of business of the manufacturer, packer, or distributor.
Where do I place the required label statements?
You must place all required label statements either on the front label panel (the principal display panel) or on the information panel (usually the label panel immediately to the right of the principal display panel, as seen by the consumer when facing the product), unless otherwise specified by regulation (i.e., exemptions).
What name and address must I list on the label of my product?
You must list the street address if it is not listed in a current city directory or telephone book, the city or town, the state, and zip code. You may list the address of the principal place of business in lieu of the actual address.
What type size, prominence and conspicuousness am I required to use on the principal display panel and the information panel?
You are required to use a print or type size that is prominent, conspicuous and easy to read. The letters must be at least one-sixteenth (1/16) inch in height based on the lower case letter “o,” and not be more than three times as high as they are wide.
Must expiration dating be included on the label of dietary supplements?
No. However, a firm may include this information if it is supported by valid data demonstrating that it is not false or misleading.
Do I need to specify the country of origin if my product, or the ingredients in my product, is not from the United States?
Yes. Unless excepted by law, the Tariff Act requires that every article of foreign origin (or its container) imported into the United States conspicuously indicate the English name of the country of origin of the article.
Expert Tips for Nutraceutical Product Labels
There are many factors to keep in mind when designing and printing product labels, that’s why it’s best to partner with an experienced printing team.
- High Quality Graphics and Branding: Working with a professional label printer is a smart way to ensure superior label design using the most innovative printing technology of the industry today! It’s necessary to do everything you can to stand out in today’s crowded marketplace. We suggest you opt for vibrant, bright colors, exciting fonts, and fun images to grab consumer attention!
- Including the Important Information: This section is for making sure both the consumer are safe and that your company is protected from a lawsuit if the product is misused or mislabeled. At M&R Label, we are very well educated on what needs to be included on health supplements and nutraceutical product labels, such as active/inactive ingredient list & amounts, manufacturer name & contact info, instructions for proper use, etc. Our team will also print barcodes, QR codes, or any legal disclaimers you require!
- Choosing the Right Materials: Health and wellness products are typically stored in kitchens and cabinets where they may be exposed to all types of temperatures, water, humidity, oil, and so forth. These labels require waterproof and oil resistant labeling materials for long-term durability. Once you tell us what your product is for, we can suggest the best label material and finish!
The M&R Label Guarantee
Whether your focus is vitamins, children’s gummies, collagen products, or dietary supplements, the M&R Label team is well versed in this industry and prepared to create a high quality custom label solution unique to your product! Your labels are a first impression to customers, it’s vital for them to be a high quality design with crisp graphics, clear typography, and premium material.
When you work with us, you can be confident that we are experts in designing and printing custom labels. Our 30+ years of experience and talented team are the perfect combination for a successful label printing experience. We can print high quality custom product labels for your nutraceuticals and supplements – of any shape, size, and material you need!
Our advanced Digital printing and Flexographic printing technologies plus quick turnaround times set us apart from the competition. Rest assured we can deliver the label you need, the amount you need, when you need it!
M&R Label will work with you to create a superior product label you’re proud of! No matter what your product line is, we have a professional custom label solution for your brand. Ask to see our portfolio for samples. As your chosen custom label printer in Chicago, we guarantee quick turnaround, high quality materials, and creative label design.
Are you ready for a unique, modern label design? We are awaiting your call and ready to start the presses!
Contact us today to request a quote: (708) 534-6621
Next: Custom Label Capabilities: Uses for Flexographic Printing