How can you use a Nutrition Label for Calculating Sugar in a Beverage?

Custom Labels

Sugar intake exceeding a considerable amount is unhealthy. Knowing this, parents are usually skeptical about the consumption of beverages and other sugary drinks by their children. Even for adult consumption, sugar should be consumed in moderation.

How can you calculate the amount of sugar in a beverage to find whether it is safe or not? The nutrition beverage label has all this information.

In this article, we’ll give you an estimate of how you can convert the sugar listed on the nutritional labels (in grams) into a more comprehensible unit (teaspoon).

Where will you find the sugar content?

On every beverage, the quantity of sugar per serving is an essential part of the label. You can check the items under the nutritional facts heading, and you’ll definitely find it as a separate head.

How to calculate the sugar in a beverage?

Step 1: Note down the grams of sugar as you’ll need them in your calculations.

Step 2: Divide the grams mentioned on the label by 4 (Every teaspoon of sugar is equal to 4 grams of sugar).

Step 3: If there is more than one serving in your beverage container, you can multiply the results from Step 2 with the number of servings and you’ll get the total number of teaspoons that your beverage contains.

Summing up:

By using this method, you can calculate the teaspoons of sugar that you’ll find in each serving. We are sure that these calculations will identify the products with high sugar and avoid the extra intake.

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